November 3, 2012

Typos and NaNoWriMo

Dictation and Speech is new to me, so is my Mac.  D. & S. is a great way to proof read. Hearing the words read back to you makes the typos pop out.  And it is another way to find inconsistencies.  This is all there is time for today and I can tell I'm sliding into home base and a day off tomorrow.  It's been a week since the last day off.  Time flies when having fun writing a novel.  Tomorrow I'll be in the car most of the day and I'm guessing while it may not be a day of active writing, most probably it will be a day of mind wandering and ideas floating to the surface.  That's usually the way it works.  And just in time since the ideas seem to have dried up for now.

Every day that I do write I will be in good company.  All over the country other writers will be participating in NaNoWriMo, short for Nation Novel Writing Month.   Last November I was working on my second stab, crappy, novel.  I didn't know that's what it was then or I might not have gone ahead with it.  The goal of NaNoWriMo is 50,000 words in a month. A writing marathon and not for the faint of heart.  Last year I made it to 12,500 words. Okay with me, it was 12,500 more than I'd done before, not counting the first stab really crappy novel.  So this year I'm already at 8,364 words and ahead of the daily goal needed to reach 50,000.  I did cheat and start before November 1, but I'm still calling this progress over last year.

One year later, the new tactic for me is "slow and steady wins the race" which probably means taking more than a month to finish the novel.  But it is fun to think of all the other writing energy swirling around out there.

More later.

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