November 21, 2012


Writing is not publishing and publishing is not writing. Lately, I've been studying how to get published. Have become rather obsessed with it really. As I tend to do. It's fascinating and an energizing challenge. It puts me in contact with people who feed my mind and spirit.

What I learned this week however, is that when you look at all the things you can do to up your chances of getting published, and there are many, it's possible to lose track of the fire in the belly for the writing that started the whole ball rolling in the first place.

Unless you're the one in a million who gets discovered while typing away at the proverbial soda fountain, a balance must be struck between the artist who channels the words, phrases, sentences etc. that delight the reader, and the practical, feet on the ground, go getter one must be in order to be published.

That's all.

More later.

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