November 4, 2012


Life is full of surprises and today did not turn out to be the long drive in the car, fruitful, ideas bobbing to the surface kind of day I'd expected.  Quite the opposite.  A mind zone out was more like it.  Well, whatever it takes.

Every day of sitting down without any ideas and just writing is in fact proving to be fruitful in itself though.  That means hours at the keyboard.  For the past week, there's been a knot in the muscle just to the left of my right shoulder blade.  I keep begging massages from whoever is willing.  Typing all day at the office followed by typing on the novel on work days, and typing all day on the novel on non-work days is hard on the body it turns out.

The single idea I got today was for one of the characters to say, "So, I got this tiny computer, I’ve been hunching over it , and now I’ve got another friggin’ computer injury!" Actually, I think that's kind of funny.  My last computer injury was when I switched to a track ball mouse and ended up with a wrist so painful it took months of physical therapy to cure it.

Is this why Hemingway drank so much?  To either loosen up, or deaden the pain of typing injuries?  Oh wait, didn't he write by hand?  Yes, I think he did.  Not that I'm comparing myself to Hemingway or anything.

Well anywho, every day of this novel writing adventure is a surprise.

More later.

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