November 11, 2012

Getting Real

Well, the synopsis writing didn't go so great.  The good news is it's obvious why not.  The bad news is it means I have to backtrack a little.

After watching Syd Field while web surfing yesterday, I realize the plot of my story is weak and ill defined.  Damn, I hate when that happens.

I had some very good advice given to me about ten months ago.  It involved homework that would prepare me to write the novel.  The homework was to be done over the next few months.  Life happened and I didn't do my homework.  Now there's no one to tell the dog ate my homework to except myself, and well, really, I'm not going to buy that excuse.

So, time to go back to school and actually do the assignments.  Ouch.  I have my eye on the Algonkian Author-Mentor workshop the end of February.  This is a serious workshop with people who can really help me finish a publishable novel.

Counting on my fingers, that's one, two, three and a half months away.  Can I do it?  It means devoting a minimum of two hours a day to the process.  That might mean saying no to a lot of other stuff.

Why do I even ask the question, of course I'm going to do it.

While I'm working on that, here is a little musical interlude I found from February 2009.

More later.

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