October 31, 2012

One Page at a Time

So now there are close to twenty pages of novel.  Two sections.  The first stab at how to start the story, and an attempt to pin down and make a first draft of three increasingly serious events, the third being the climax of the book.  Plus a timeline, and some basics about the characters so I can keep things straight.

The two sections are like working on two different jig saw puzzles.  The pieces fit together pretty well within the two sections, but the two sections don't really fit with each other.  This is the point at which doubt can creep in, because it's a bit of a mess of course.  Must keep the doubt at bay.  Every novel has to start somehow.

All one has to do is think of all the other things that improve just by showing up.  Work. Most definitely.  Sports.  Relationships.  Practically everything.  I have a little book called A Happy Life.  On page one it says, "Show up."  On page two it says, "Follow your heart."  Don't know what's on page three yet.  Taking one page at a time.

A good motto for the novel writing too.  Time to go show up.

More later.

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