September 27, 2012

Impending Fall

There was nothing to say about summer in the San Juans, nor does there need to be.  Spike Africa about says it all.  Summer in the San Juans is why so many of us live here the rest of the year.  A slight retraction is in order, however.  I called Spike an "old gal", and after only the mildest bit of research it was revealed she is younger than I am by about twenty some years.  Yikes.  She was built to look old, though, so perhaps my slip can be forgiven.

And now it is fall.  The Equinox was last week.  And since it is fall, the subject came up in conversation the other day that for some, fall is the favorite season.  Looking forward to crisp days and cozy nights spent inside by the fire with the promise of all the delights of the holidays.  For me, ever the existentialist, fall is like a Bergman movie, dark, foreboding, bleak.  Fall just leads to winter, the symbol of death in the natural world.  Yes, after winter comes the spring, and with spring comes new birth, the circle of life and all that, yeah, yeah, yeah.

But, that conversations did get me to thinking, is an attitude adjustment in order here?  Is it possible attitude is everything here?  Possible that fall has things to offer that are uniquely beguiling?  It's worth a shot.  It beats the gloom and doom of what fall has meant in the past.  If we're going to be here for the next three months, might as well enjoy it if at all possible.

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