March 4, 2012

The Practical Test

After the solstice, it takes time for the earth to warm up again.  Feeling chilled to the bone on a rainy day the third week of February, I absorb the terrible realization the same is true of my bones.  That is the real meaning of winter, and finally I get it, the solstice is not the middle of winter, this is the middle of winter. 

March 21st is the beginning of spring.  Can I make it?  Just four short weeks, can I make it?  How can I make it, what will I have to do?  And what then, what sign of hope can I look forward to on March 21st?  Lord, give me a sign. I wrap myself in a cozy bathrobe, grab a fuzzy blanket and curl up on the sofa.  Fergie flops down next to me like a heat seeking missile.  I reach for my emergency chocolate and think about it. 

Visions of places like Bermuda, (they call them Bermuda Shorts for a reason), come to mind.  Mexico, Hawaii, Southern California, the French Riviera, Rio.  Bikinis, Sunglasses, floppy sun hats, flip flops.  Bare pavement that emits radiant heat all day long.  Pink lemonade, iced tea, big glasses of ice water, margaritas.  Hammocks for napping, in the dappled shade, out of the heat of the too hot sun.

Some head for these places in December, some in January or February.  All understandable.  But March, March is the hardest month.  Make it until March, then bring out the big guns of a trip to warmer climes.  What am I talking about?  Make it?  Make it until March?  The practical test, making it through three winters in San Juan County, has never made more sense to me than it does at this moment.

Time for a trip.  A trip to take a look at the actual year round temperatures for San Juan County.  Better to face the cold, hard truth.  Let's take a look...  Okay, so it's basically cold here.  How did I overlook that minor fact when choosing this place?  Has anyone else noticed, I wonder?  Is that why, at this time of year, you see things like this?  And this?  And this?  Yes, it is.

Assurance one is not the only one freezing one's ass off and in need of indoor entertainment is amazingly comforting.  The great outdoors ain't so great when it's thirty-six degrees.  In the middle of the day!  Every day! Well, at least this answers the question of whether or not to order that extra radiant heater for the bathroom.

In his book, The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner points out that Icelanders declare themselves to be among the happiest people in the world.  Let's see what their average daily temperatures look like.  Hmmm....And yet they are happy.  And so, for the most part, are people around here, including me.  Something to think about.  There is hope for this fourth winter yet.

So, back to my questions.  Can I make it?  I know I can make it, I've made it through sudden widowhood and cancer, I think I can stand a little cold weather.  How can I make it?  Long underwear, blogging, Shirley Temple film festivals.  Community Theater? Uhhhhh...  I plead the fifth on that, no offense, whatever gets you through, people.  What sign of hope will there be on March 21st?  For that one, I'll just have to wait and see.  Life has taught me surprises never cease, and they're not always bad, although sometimes, like when it's the middle of a cold snap on San Juan Island, I forget.

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