June 26, 2011

Happy Tabs

The other day, checking my email, it occurred to me the tabs open in my browser were almost all downright gloomy.  Every tab had either to do with insurance claims, bills of some kind, was work related, or was a link someone else cared about, not me.  It suddenly occurred, I'd created the "tabs of doom".  It was no longer fun coming to the computer.  This should not be.  Computer time at home, away from the office, should be just for fun.  Time for an overhaul.  Only fun tabs I told myself.  And what would those be? That was the question.  Time to close, close, close, and start all over again.

Well, blogging is pure fun, so first thing, this blog tab got moved to its rightful place all the way over on the left.  Facebook is fun.  Now we're cookin', much better already.  Netflix, forgot about that one.  Movies are always fun.  Now, what else? YouTube!  How about a little online shopping?  Even window shopping is good for the spirits, and you never know when an extra dollar or two will come along, it's good to be prepared.  Now for a confession.  Nerd fun.  Weight Watchers online.  That one's slightly embarrassing, but it is fun to me and that is all that counts.  A couple of favorite blogs, and suddenly we've gone from the "tabs of doom" to, "Oh boy, can't wait to get to the computer."

That's plenty.  Don't want to suffer from "tab overload", another affliction that creeps up if you're not careful.  Well, that's about all for this week.  The weather has been glorious, and being outside, the time just flies this time of year, not much left for blogging.  That's a good thing.  This is the third summer in the islands for Fergie and me.  Winter will come around soon enough up here in the hinterland.  A nice contrast to the long days of summer.  Something I'm learning to appreciate.  Contrast and compare.  Summer, short blogs, winter, long blogs.  And no more "tabs of doom".  Until next week...

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