June 22, 2010

Adventures in Dating

Since the fourth of July is fast upon us and I have yet to complete my assignment of twelve first dates by Independence Day, I've been granted permission to take an incomplete in Dating 101 this semester. My professor has agreed to the incomplete on one condition. I have to write a paper. The title of my Theme is: Finding twelve first dates – why it's a good idea
So here we go. When looking for a mate, dating twelve people is a good idea for five reasons. First, it's a good way to get comfortable with the whole process of dating. Second, it's a way to find out the different types of people with whom you might be compatible. Third, it gives you a much better chance of finding the next love of your life. Fourth, it puts you in contact with a lot of different people without getting too serious with any one person too fast. And Fifth, it beats watching reruns of The Bachelorette with your dog. 

Point number one. Getting more comfortable with the whole process of dating. First date one: Terrified. First date two: Less terrified. First date three: Starting to relax. First date four: Hey I think this might be fun. To quote the King of Siam in The King and I, Et-ce-terah, et-ce-terah, et-ce-terah. (Yes, I know that's not the correct spelling). 

Point number two. Meeting many different types of people to see with whom you might be compatible. Unless you're very unimaginative in your selection of first dates, if you go out with twelve people, there's no way they're all going to be Republicans (Or Democrats). Or all talk endlessly about Star Wars. Or insist on telling you all about the history of golf. It's only logical that somewhere in there, there'll be a couple with whom you actually have a shared world view, lifestyle, and mutual attraction. 

Point number three. Having a better chance of finding the next love of your life. Even with a methodical search for compatibility, there's always a little je ne sais quoi to every successful match. That one person where you just wake up one day and say, “He's the one.” Or, “I just can't live without her.” It's only by being willing to get to know enough people you have a good chance of finding that special spark that makes it right. 

Point number four. Taking a break from getting too serious too fast with any one person. My past dating experiences could be described as something like a two year old on roller skates. Getting up on my feet. Falling down. Getting back up. Hitting maximum speed by accident while going downhill backwards, and finally totally wiping out. A slightly slower, more leisurely approach has got to work better than that. 

Point number five. An alternative to watching reruns of The Bachelorette with your dog. I believe when watching The Bachelorette, it's much better to watch them the first time around, so does my dog. That's only on TV once a week, so that leaves a lot of nights free for dating. Unless of course you also like to watch Survivor, which along with The Bachelorette is also excellent for interpersonal training, and since it's only on once a week as well, that still leaves five free nights for dating. 

In conclusion, although it has been challenging finding twelve eligible bachelors on our tiny island, it is possible to find them and have fun in the process. Because, the five reasons not withstanding, if it's not fun, then what's the point? In the spirit of having fun I've thought of combining my search for gainful employment with my dating adventure by publishing the first edition of The San Juan Islands Directory of Single Men or even perhaps create my own reality show as a matchmaker for the Island myself: The Matchmaker – Quirky Men Edition. Now that would be fun. But what's most likely to happen is just more first dates. It's a great way to find out what beers are on tap at Haley's, to fine tune my newly acquired taste for red wine, at the very least make some new friends, and possibly meet the new love of my life.

© M.E. Rollins

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